Drip…Drop..Drippity Drop The Weight

Yeabserra Abebe
3 min readFeb 2, 2018

It’s no where near summer time but that doesn’t mean it’s to early to start working on that summer body OKURRRRR (Cardi B). I can honestly say I want that 365 body ALL YEAR. I want some consistency in my weight, I can’t do this every year. Watch myself go in on gains and then challenge myself to loose it again following the seasons ( ugh huh honey) . After I ended my 7 years worth of locs growing naturally in mid August 2017, I began my new journey with this fierce bold short hair cut.

With that being said I was ready more now than ever, wanting that change in appearance and accepting that new comfort ability with myself. I’m not sure how it is for the fellas but for us ladies your hair is the root of your crown and well I held my head high carrying my crown I sure did gain a new level in confidence and boy did it show. So much that I was kind of losing my self to that one thing I can never get enough of FOOD. I love me some food if you know me well enough you know that’s the way to my heart.

Leading up to October ( my birthday) I had a noticed a huge weight change in myself and everyone else notice too. ESPECIALLY my moms. I love her to death but this lady be incentive sometimes “Yabii you getting fat like really fat I can see it in your face” like ma calm down, let me live ( let me be great). She was right though I had a whole fupa ( fat upper pussy area) in the making and my love handles could be whole doughnuts oozing out my sides talk about high waisted jeans WHERE ?

So going into the new year I decided I need to make a change. I can honestly say I’m impressed with the choices I made. With a new diet in place, ( became a full on pescatarian) & consistently working out, I’ve found myself loosing 20pds in the span of 2 & 1/2 weeks. I know I know you’re probably wtf & how, but listen Linda all I did was cut out meats and fatty foods & continue to be active. My appetite doesn’t even allow me to over stuff myself. Like now a days I always have left overs. I’ve changed my daily routines in order to allow a feasible schedule for me that I try to follow. As well as changing my daily snacks to granola bars, yogurts and lots of fruits. I tried to do the supplement life style but it didn’t agree well with my body so I took the all natural route. I’m very satisfied with my results & pray that I continue on this journey.

